Our links with companies reinforce the idea that training generalist engineers/managers is more than ever in line with the
broad professional expectations of the agricultural and agri-food worlds.
Thanks in particular to their human training, which contributes to consolidating their employability through the values of attachment to the agricultural world, proximity to the field, adaptability, versatility and integrity, the graduates of École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN are in employment on leaving the School and 95% within 6 months (the remaining 5% decide to continue their studies or to take a gap year).
Engineering and agro-bachelor internships
Throughout the courses, our students are immersed in a company.
Engineering curriculum
During their studies, student-engineers have many opportunities to enter the business world:
- Le stage de troisième année (10 semaines) est l’occasion d’en comprendre l’organisation et les enjeux, et de répondre à leur première mission opérationnelle.
- Suit le stage de fin d’études (6 mois) qui favorise une immersion complète. L’étudiant travaille à la résolution d’une problématique stratégique d’une entité économique et sociale, et sort de cette expérience fort de la compréhension du fonctionnement complexe de celle-ci.
Students have the opportunity to follow a sandwich course:
- Soit les trois dernières années du cycle de formation ingénieur dans le cadre d’un contrat d’apprentissage.
- Soit la dernière année de formation du cycle ingénieur dans le cadre d’un contrat de professionnalisation.
Dans les deux cas, ceci permet d’anticiper vos recrutements et l’intégration a professionalization contract.
It is possible to complete part of the course as an apprenticeship.
For the Purpan School’s Agro Engineering programme, the last three years can be completed in a sandwich course, under a 36-month apprenticeship contract.
For the Agro-bachelor programme (Bac+3), the third year is a sandwich course. (12-month apprenticeship contract).
Professionalization contract
The course covers the last 13 months of engineering training (5th year) covered by a professionalization contract.
The alternation corresponds to 40 weeks in a company and
17 weeks at the School.
Business Forum
Each year, this event brings together, within the School itself, more than 80 companies that 4th and 5th year students and Agro-Bachelor students can approach, face to face, for mutually appreciated job dating, with a view to a first job or end-of-study placements.
This Forum remains a strong marker of the School’s integration into the business world, enhancing both the attractiveness and image of the School and the employability and enthusiasm of students.
Careers Forum
In December of each year, the School and the Engineers’ Association invite young graduates to come and present to the enthusiastic and admiring 3rd year students their current job, but above all the path (internships, choice of field of study, experience abroad, options and subjects, job search methods) which led them to their current position.
The event’s motto: “Guiding today’s students means accompanying tomorrow’s engineers!”
The Human Career Center
The Human Career Center team, consisting of the Director of Corporate Relations, the Director of Professional Training and the two coordinators
of the Human Career Center (on the school side and the alumni side), acts as a link between the partner companies and the students.
Throughout the year, it organises face-to-face or distance learning events to promote the search for internships, work experience or jobs. The HCC provides an internet platform to centralise all internship, work-study and/or graduate job offers submitted by partner companies. Coaching or personalised interviews are offered to students to support them in their career plans.
1st job
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