
Apprenticeship training has many advantages for the student in facilitating entry into working life:

• professionalization
• progressive operationality and accountability
• significant experience and a salary

For the company, it’s an opportunity to have a start-up in its team, with a limited budget.
A 12-month apprenticeship contract costs the company between 51% and 100% of the minimum wage depending on age.


Why choose to study an apprenticeship?

This alternating rhythm of training is ideal for assimilating knowledge and putting it to good use, in parallel, in a professional environment.

The cost of the training is covered by the OPCOs
and companies.

The apprentice benefits, throughout the
course, from a double tutorship:
– in the company by the apprenticeship
– at school by a teacher

The apprenticeship master
gives coherence to the
training of the apprentice between
theoretical lessons
and business practice.
It also acts as a liaison
with the school tutor. Each
tutor guides the apprentice through the
course of his/her training
in the company or at the School.


The remuneration paid, including during periods of in-centre training, is calculated according to:

• the age of the apprentice
• of the training year
• amount of the gross SMIC or SMC.

• The salary of an apprentice is not subject to social security contributions ,
CSG (general social contribution) or CRDS (contribution to the reimbursement of the social debt).

Who is apprenticeship for?

To become an apprentice, you must:

• Be between 16 and 29 years of age
• Have signed an apprenticeship contract with an employer
• Be registered at the Purpan School of Engineering

However, apprenticeships can be offered to young people from the age of 15 and over 30 as part of a continuing education project or by way of derogation.

In the case of disabled apprentices, there is no age limit for embarking on an apprenticeship!