Stepping stones to employment

The high level generalist training, combining scientific and human training, produces executives and managers capable of working in a multicultural environment and in international companies.
Graduates from the engineering or Bachelor’s programme are recognised for their skills as well as for their human qualities.
Our links with companies reinforce the idea that training generalist engineers/managers is more than ever consistent with the broad professional expectations of the agricultural and agri-food worlds.
Due in particular to their human training, which contributes to consolidating their employability through the values of attachment to the agricultural world, proximity to the field, adaptability, versatility and integrity, 50% of the graduates
of École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN are in employment on leaving the School and 95% within 6 months (the remaining 5% deciding to continue their studies or to take a gap year)

An integrated incubator

Le Semoir

In autumn 2018, École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN launched “Le Semoir”, an incubator to support its students or young graduates, who are business creators. It is a launching pad for those young creators who develop a relevant idea during their studies – and sometimes later – but who need help to build and transform their project.
In addition to being housed on the premises of École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN, the incubator allows young creators to benefit from the experience and know-how of the School’s team of teacher-researchers, to be supported in the creation of their company in all aspects (marketing, scientific, financial, management, etc.), to be able to access the School’s various laboratories if necessary and to benefit from contacts with a recognised network of professionals.
Further upstream, École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN authorises its 5th year students with a business creation project to write their end-of-studies thesis on this idea, a very concrete way of confirming its viability


The Human Career Center team, composed of the Director of Corporate Relations, the Director of Professional Training and the two coordinators of the Human Career Center (on the school side and on the alumni side), is the link between the partner companies and the students.

Throughout the year, it organises face-to-face or distance learning events to promote the search for internships, work experience or jobs. The HCC provides an internet platform to centralise all internship, work-study and/or graduate job offers submitted by partner companies. Coaching or personalised interviews are offered to students to support them in their career plans.


Created in 2004, Purpan Junior is an association that accompanies companies in their projects by providing technical and economic services specialised in the fields of agriculture, agri-food and the environment.

Supported by the School, with a network of more than 1,000 students and backed by the expertise of the School’s teacher-researchers, Purpan Junior is committed to offering quality services and meeting its clients’ expectations as best as possible, with 4 main values: adaptability, responsiveness, listening, and a sense of service.


Their missions

  • Maintain the link between Purpan citizens, the School and companies through continuous communication.
  • Promote the employment of Purpanese in terms of research, career management and professional animation. To animate the PURPAN network through communication, to encourage social mixing, to bring people together and to activate solidarity.