The school of the future

For almost 100 years, the PURPAN School of Engineering has been training engineers in 5 years
in life sciences, agriculture, agri-food, marketing and management.

The School has a public service mission in the following areas
training, research, international cooperation and technology transfer.

It is at the heart of education, research and development networks
and is part of the INP Toulouse (Institut National Polytechnique),
France Agro3 (network of 4 engineering schools for food, agriculture and the environment)
and Toulouse Agri-Campus.

Press releases

Find all PURPAN press releases:

Covid-19: cancellation of the oral admission interviews for candidates for entry into the first year of the schools in the France Agro³


Covid-19: removal of ParcourSup application fees for applicants to schools in the France Agro3


Thursday 05 March: Conference for the general public on the place of women in the world of wine


Thursday 27 February 2020, from 1.30 pm to 5 pm at École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN, 1st round table of Team France Export Occitanie


Do food labels generate trust? Millenials (also known as Generation Y) are reshuffling the deck


École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN launches its "Agro-Bachelor" programme


Innov'creativity day - EPA United Way / EPA Occitanie / École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN


École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN and the Toulouse National Agronomy School (ENSAT) are looking for regular consumers of white and red wines


École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN and La Boulange d'Angeline give a second life to hard bread


École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN organises its 1st Research & Development Day on viticulture and oenology


École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN launches Le Semoir, an incubator to support young entrepreneurs
