Équipe de recherche
Systèmes de Productions Agricoles
Axes de Recherche / Développement / Conseil
Relation Sol-Plante. Fertilité des sols
Unité Mixte de Recherche
Disciplines enseignées
Pédologie – Productions Végétales
- Béghin-Tanneau R, Guérin F, Guiresse M, Kleiber D, Scheiner JD. Carbon sequestration in soil amended with anaerobic digested matter. Soil & Tillage Research. 2019. 192: 87–94. DOI : 10.1016/j.still.2019.04.024
- Cottes J, Saquet A, Palayret L, Husson O, Beghin R, Allen D, Scheiner JD, Cabanes C, Guiresse M. 2019. Effects of soil redox potential (Eh) and pH on growth of sunflower and wheat. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2019.1622096
- Mirleau-Thebaud V, J Dayde and JD Scheiner. 2017. « Growth kinetics at early stages of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under soil compaction. » Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2017. 40:17, 2494-2510
- Mirleau-Thebaud V, J Dayde and JD Scheiner. 2017. “The influence of soil compaction and conservation tillage on sunflower’s (Helianthus annuus L.) below ground system” FYTON, International Journal of Experimental Botany,Volume 86.
- Rubio G., Faggioli V., Scheiner J.D, Gutierrez Boem, F.H. 2012. Rhizosphere phosphorus depletion in three crops differing in their phosphorus critical levels. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. In Press
- Mirleau-Thebaud V., J.D. Scheiner, J. Dayde. 2011. Influence of soil tillage and Phoma macdonaldii on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) yield and oil quality. FYTON, International Journal of Experimental Botany. 80 : 203-210.
- Gavalda D., Scheiner J.D., Revel J.C., Merlina G., Kaemmerer M., Pinelli E., Guiresse, M. 2005. Agronomic and environmental impacts of a heat-dried sludge single application on Alfisol. Science of the Total Environment. 343: 97– 109.
- Gutiérrez Boem, F.H., J.D. Scheiner, H. Rimski Korsakov & R.S. Lavado. 2004. Late season nitrogen fertilization of soybeans: effects on leaf senescence, yield and enviroment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 68:109 – 115.
- Scheiner J.D., Gutiérrez Boem F.H., Lavado R.S. 2002. Sunflower nitrogen requirement and 15N fertilizer recovery in Western Pampas, Argentina. European Journal of Agronomy. 17, 1: 73-79.
- Docteur de l’INP Toulouse
- MSCI Science du Sol Université de Buenos Aires
- Ingénieur Agronome Université de Buenos Aires