Département de recherche
Département sciences végétales et agronomie
Disciplines enseignées
Analyse sensorielle
Axes de Recherche / Développement / Conseil
Mécanismes de régulation et perception des métabolites spécialisés des plantes, notamment les arômes du raisin et du vin
Ingénieur Agronome (ENSAT, 2001)
Œnologue (DNO Toulouse, 2001)
Doctorat (INP Toulouse, 2020)
Expériences professionnelles
- 2001 – 2004 : Vinification dans plusieurs vignobles étrangers (Australie, Californie, Argentine, Italie et Afrique du Sud).
- 2004 – 2016 : Chargé de la vulgarisation et de la communication des résultats expérimentaux à l’Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin – Pôle Sud-Ouest. Responsable d’expérimentations en lien avec l’arôme des vins.
- Geffroy, O., Siebert, T., Guyot, E., Gazagnadou, F., Henon, A., Baerenzung dit Baron, T., Denat, M., Chervin, C., Herderich, M., Bilogrevic, E., & Sáenz-Navajas, MP. (2024). How do Syrah winemakers from two different French regions conceptualise peppery wines? OENO One, 58(1), 1-10.
- Geffroy, O., Laforge, J., Denat, M., Volmerange, L., & Peter, M. (2024). Are peppery notes the main negative driver of liking for young consumers in a Duras red wine made from a cool and wet season? OENO One, 58(1), 1-7.
- Geffroy, O., Aymard, F., Cuif, C., Baerenzung dit Baron, T., Denat, M., & Jacques, A. (2023). Olfactory threshold for rotundone in brandy is 10-fold higher than in wine and do not significantly increase with the complexity of the matrix. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 24(2), 120–125.
- Nougarède, S., Diot, A., Maza, E., Samson, A., Olivier-Salvagnac, V., Caillé, S., Geffroy, O., & Chervin, C. (2023). Comparison of Check-All-That-Apply and Adapted-Pivot-Test methods for wine sensory characterization with a panel of untrained students. Journal of Sensory Studies, e12862.
- Chervin, C. & Geffroy, O. (2023). Ethylene impact on grapevine pistil temperature and fruit set. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42, 5433–5437.
- Geffroy, O., Pasquier, G., Pages, M., & Violleau, F. (2022). Exploring the appreciation of a new range of ethanol reduction in Chardonnay and Syrah wines using a Consumer Rejection Threshold approach. OENO One, 56(4), 139-146
- Geffroy, O., Baerenzung dit Baron, T., Yobrégat, O., Denat, M. Simon, V., & Jacques, A. (2022). The SIFT-MS fingerprint of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah berries is rather stable over the second part of maturation under warm conditions of climate. OENO One, 56(4), 147-155
- Beaulieu, A., Giraud, V., Magro, P., Nougarede, S., Maza, E., Samson, A., Geffroy, O., & Chervin, C. (2022). Development of the Adapted Pivot Test method for descriptive sensory analyses with young untrained students. Journal of Sensory Studies, e12779. https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12779
- Baerenzung dit Baron, T. B., Yobrégat, O., Jacques, A., Simon, V., & Geffroy, O. (2022). A novel approach to discriminate the volatilome of Vitis vinifera berries by Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry analysis and chemometrics. Food Research International, 111434.
- Pascotto, K., Leriche, C., Caillé, S., Violleau, F., Boulet, J. C., Geffroy, O., Levasseur-Garcia, C., & Cheynier, V. (2021). Study of the relationship between red wine colloidal fraction and astringency by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation coupled with multi-detection. Food Chemistry, 361, 30104.
- Pasquier, G., Feilhes, C., Dufourcq, T., & Geffroy, O. (2021). Potential contribution of climate change to the protein haze of white wines from the French southwest region. Foods, 10(6), 1355.
- Geffroy, O., Armario, M., Fontaine, A., Fourure, M., Pasquier, G., Semadeni, T., & Chervin, C. (2020). 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine is neutrally perceived by consumers at usual concentrations in French Sauvignon and Fer wines from the Gaillac area. OENO One, 54(4), 1133-1142.
- van Leeuwen, C., Barbe, J.C., Darriet, P., Geffroy, O., Gomès, E, Guillaumie, S.,& Thibon, C. (2020). Recent advancements in understanding the terroir effect on aromas in grapes and wines: this article is published in cooperation with the XIIIth international terroir congress november 17-18 2020, adelaide, australia. guest editors: Cassandra Collins and Roberta de Bei. OENO One, 54(4), 985-1006.
- Geffroy, O., Morère, M., Lopez, R., Pasquier, G., & Condoret, J.S. (2020). Investigating the aroma of Syrah wines from the Northern Rhone valley using supercritical CO2-dearomatized wine as a matrix for reconstitution studies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68(41), 11512-11523.

Unité Mixte de Recherche
- Physiologie, Pathologie et Génétique Végétales
Co-responsable du Domaine d’Approfondissement Management des Entreprises Vitivinicoles