How to join PURPAN?
Find out about the different admission procedures for our courses according to your level of study: general and technological baccalaureate, PACES, BCPST, BTS, DUT, Licence or Master.
Engineering course
Agro-bachelor course
Grants & subsidies
If you are having difficulties financing your studies at PURPAN, there are several solutions to help you:
• You may be eligible for Crous grants (grants based on social criteria).
• École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN has fa social and financial fund: it allows for the allocation of either interest-free loans repayable in the first years of professional life, or grants for exceptional assistance. For more information, please contact the Administration and Finance Department.
• You can take out a state-guaranteed student loan: The state-guaranteed student loan is accessible to all students as it is not means-tested and the family or a third party does not have to provide a guarantee. It can be up to 15,000 euros. Repayment is deferred, usually at the end of the studies. The 5 partner organisations are : Banques Populaires, Crédit Mutuel, CIC, Caisses d’Épargne, Société Générale. To benefit from it, contact one of these organisations.
• Other student mobility grants are awarded by the State or the Region.